A U.S. senator…accused China of “garbage propaganda” about the coronavirus…[EU] says claims… it is “disintegrating [due to the pandemic] are trending.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Transition Framework: A new path to Venezuelan democracy?
Democratic elections are crucial to resolving the crisis in Venezuela. Maduro will not organize them so a Council of State will be essential, perspective.
The political lessons of the coronavirus pandemic
Fyodor Dostoevsky once said in regards to prisons that you can tell a lot about a society by its response to epidemics of infectious disease.
Australia: challenges of holding elections in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic
In Australia, Queensland’s top officials say you are more at risk of contracting the coronavirus in the supermarket aisle than the polling booth.
Pro-democracy actors’ powerful message at a time of moral crisis
The Chair of the EED says pro-democracy protests in countries like Algeria, Lebanon are a powerful message to Europe in a time of moral crisis.
Is democracy immune from the coronavirus?
Coronavirus is having deep socio-political and socio-economic impact across the world. A new perspective examines if it poses a threat to democracy.
Cambodia: COVID-19 Clampdown on Free Speech
Cambodia is arresting people for expressing concerns about COVID-19’s impact in Cambodia and claiming they are spreading so-called “fake news”.
Why democracies handle crises better than authoritarians
Authoritarians have instead taken advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to pursuing the suppression of freedoms outside the scope of public health.
Cuba creating a Venezuelan dictatorship in its own image
Tamara Suju says much is known about Cuba’s infiltration of Venezuela, little on the repression, intelligence training it gives to Venezuelan operatives.
Democracy is ‘not immune’ to coronavirus
Social distancing is making every facet of life more difficult — including democracy, a fragile system of governance not immune to being ravaged by COVID-19