Ukraine has voted for change and is now led by people who are committed to making their country a modern democracy committed to liberty and the rule.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Democracy assistance: improve information sharing, build resilience
The U.S. Congress funds efforts to bolster democracy abroad as a way to promote American values, notes a report from the Government Accountability Office.
Why did Egypt’s democratic transition fail?
Liberal, leftist and Islamist forces unified during the 18-day uprising around the demand for Mubarak to leave but with no plan of what to do next.
Radical trust, deep democracy and the health of the commons
One of the great illnesses afflicting 21st century democracy is a lack of trust – not just in politicians but in each other and ourselves, experts.
India’s iconic democracy feels like it is under siege
In an article in The Washington Post, Pamela Constable exposes what she describes as an ominous turn India has recently taken into religious intolerance.
Report: The Global State of Democracy in 2019
How ill is democracy and is it really dying? What are some of the remedies to the current problems?
Venezuela’s endgame ‘closer than Maduro thinks’
A difficult path lies ahead for Venezuela. With no clear electoral way out, aid from the international community will remain the country’s lifeline.
‘Signposts of Struggle’: Iran’s protest movement endures
While protests will continue in Iran, it is unclear if they will lead to more significant outcomes, such as revolution or regime change, analysts.
Zimbabwe Billionaire to Pay Doctors About $300 A Month to End Strike
Zimbabwe striking junior doctors will end a four-month strike after accepting offer from a billionaire to pay them about $300 monthly for six months.
Can Lebanon’s ‘tenacious’ movement turn from protests to power?
Although Lebanon’s new cabinet met for the first time on Wednesday, the country’s tenacious protest movement hasn’t seemed to lose momentum.