There are those who think that on-going electoral campaigns expose serious threats to Tunisia’s young democracy. A really interesting perspective disagrees.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
China has further tightened already tough ban on Tibet religious activity
Chinese Communist Party ban on retired Tibetan government employees taking part in religious activities violates China’s commitment to religious freedom.
Nigeria detaining Child Victims of Boko Haram
Through interviews Human Rights Watch discovered that some children arrested in Nigeria’s Boko Haram crackdown were actually victims of the terrorist group.
Cost of Peaceful Dissent Spikes in Iran as Rights Defenders receive Draconian Sentences
Iran’s judiciary is dramatically increasing the costs of peaceful dissent in Iran,Since July 31, revolutionary courts have sentenced at least 13 activists.
Digital Disinformation: Will technology kill or reinvent democracy?
Information technology is changing the face of war and peace, creating a new theater of warfare in cyberspace and new threats to democracy.
Federal Judge: Tennessee voter registration bill lawsuits can move ahead
A Tennessee bill restricting voter registration drives invited lawsuits which a federal judge has decided can move ahead.
China Model promotes ‘authoritarian modernism’ in East Asia?
Democracy has regressed in much of Asia though there are notable exceptions like Malaysia and Taiwan. Post looks at role of China in these developments.
UN: Act to Prevent Future Atrocities
UN Secretary-General Guterres should act to prevent future UN failures in the face of atrocities, a coalition of 16 organizations said in a joint letter.
Russian Court Sentences Activist Konstantin Kotov to Four Years in Prison
Today, I stood in a Moscow court as it sentenced Konstantin Kotov, a 34-year old software engineer, to four years in prison.
Gates Open on Ethiopia’s Infamous Maekelawi Jail
Today, Maekelawi, the infamous police station in the heart of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, was opened for the first time to the public.