On September 15 Tunisia votes in second free and democratic presidential election since the 2011 revolution. Among candidates are Islamists.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
‘Democracies Divided’: How to counter political polarization
Polarization is tearing democracies around the world from Brazil, India, and Kenya, to Poland, Turkey, and US. Article looks at how to counter this dynamic.
Nigerians Attack South African Businesses in Retaliation
South African businesses in Nigeria are being targeted with violence in retaliation for xenophobic attacks carried against Africans working in South Africa.
Disinformation catalyzing spread of authoritarianism worldwide
Seeking to find a way to wrest control of the narrative, Beijing stepped up its efforts to sow discord about the Hong Kong protests using disinformation.
Nicolas Maduro still in power, time for Plan B in Venezuela?
USA not seeking a military solution to the economic and political crisis in Venezuela, official. So what must be done to oust Nicolas Maduro still in power?
Afghanistan: current troop withdrawal plan recipe for ‘total civil war’?
American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan inclusive of plans to close bases brokered with Taliban may be recipe for total civil war, article.
Ramaphosa condemns Xenophobic attacks, police arrest 90
President Ramaphosa condemned Xenophobic attacks and widespread looting and arson on foreign-owned businesses across Johannesburg and the capital Pretoria.
A New Low of Harassment on Moscow’s Protests
In new low of harassment on Moscow’s protests, police are arresting suspects, including Ilya Azar, a journalist who was one of those who led protests.
Nepal should amend Laws undermining free expression
The government of Nepal should revise several pieces of draft legislation that threaten to undermine the right to freedom of expression, Human Rights Watch.
Thailand: disappeared activists, Porlajee Rakchongcharoen, remains found
Thai authorities should immediately conduct investigation into the abduction and murder of a prominent ethnic Karen activist, Porlajee Rakchongcharoen