Laetitia Bader looks at Eritrea’s forceful national conscription focusing on teachers. Bader says African leaders should call for rights reforms in Eritrea.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Indian Government should Ensure Rights Protections in Kashmir
The Indian government should ensure that rights are protected after lifting some restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir State, Human Rights Watch.
How to dismantle a democracy
There are four key signs that democracy is under attack, The Economist observes, says the protests in Hong Kong and Russia highlight a paradox.
Another Tiananmen? Alarming echoes of 1989 in Hong Kong protests
Somewhat, another Tiananmen, cose to 1.7 million people took part in a peaceful pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong, the second-largest in two months ago.
Are Russians trying to hide the truth about that Nyonoksa nuclear accident
It looks like the Russians are trying to hide the truth about that nuclear accident in Nyonoksa, the naval weapons testing range earlier this month.
Iran women stadium ban: detained women should be released
Gender equality in Iran continues to suffer for religious reasons. HRW called for the release of women detained on grounds of an Iran women stadium ban.
‘Winning Without Fighting’? A strategy to counter autocrats’ political warfare
Democratic allies need to band together in coordinated effort to counter Chinese and Russian “political warfare operations” to ward off threats to freedom.
Tunisia’s democratic experiment ‘faces toughest test’ and risk of fragmentation
An interesting article in Democracy Digests argues that in the run-up to the presidential poll, Tunisia’s democratic experiment ‘faces toughest test’.
Taiwan launches ‘Silk Road of Democracy’
In what is now Taiwan’s “silk road of democracy”, Taiwan’s ruling DPP, last month, sent a delegation to visit the Tibetan government-in-exile in India.
Hong Kong: Why China’s propagandists peddle ‘black-hands’ myth
Since he took power seven years ago, President Xi Jinping has faced a growing din of foreign condemnation over his government’s human rights record.