Morocco political turmoil as Arab Spring pressures build: Morocco’s “king” remains ruler of country frozen without economic prospects, Morocco continues to see political instability in Arab Spring pressures
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Nation’s Leaders in Crucial Nepal Unity Talks
Nepal continues fighting political instability years after end of destructive civil war: Leaders urged to build on peace towards functioning government in crucial Nepal unity talks
Key China Support to North Korea Dictatorship
Continued to battle against critics allows increasing China support to North Korea dictatorship’s crimes: North Korea remains worst dictatorship in world
Russia Acknowledges Coming Syria Dictatorship Collapse
Coming Syria dictatorship collapse imminent as ally Russia begins to prepare for victory of rebels
Fresh Protests Against India Economic Reforms
Protests against India economic reforms target government push of thorough but risky changes – India’s tired welfare system should be drastically reformed
US Attorney General Calls for Election Law Changes
Holder calls for election registration reform and other election law changes after 2012 chaos
India Tested During Hindu Nationalist Gujarat Voting
Hindu Nationalist Gujarat voting will test strength of powerful politician known for deadly riot
Opposition in Syria Gains Democratic World Recognition
War turning against dictatorship as rebel opposition in Syria gains democratic world recognition: Syria dictatorship on last legs as rebel fighters close in
VIDEO: Egypt Protests Continue as Opposition Anger Rises
VIDEO: Egypt Protests! Referendum will test democracy transition as opposition to Muslim Brotherhood plans to participate in the vote instead of abstain
Iran Democracy Activists Awarded Activism Prize
Dictatorship has violently suppressed democracy protests with oil cash reserves – Iran democracy activists awarded for fighting system of dissent repression