Some nice things fall out of a system like Liquid Voting, or Delegative Democracy. The main idea is that you can give your vote to other people.
Democracy in America articles
This Democracy in America archive has all our articles about election reform in the United States. The section is meant to encourage discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the election system and help you build new ideas for the future. Be sure to check out our main section on American democracy as well.
Battle Over Georgia Voting Rights Escalates To Federal Court
A lawsuit alleging widespread voting problems in Georgia is pursuing an ambitious solution: restoration of the Voting Rights Act .
New York Senate Approves Automatic Voter Registration Bill
New York’s state Senate on Wednesday approved an automatic voter registration bill, sending the legislation to the full state assembly.
What Americans Really Think About Foreign Interference In Elections
What do we think when foreign countries get involved in elections? Here’s what new research from Washington Post says from a survey of the U.S. public.
Decisive Role Of Black Voters In The 2020 Democratic Primary
Candidate that black voters coalesce behind in the Democratic primaries will have the inside track on the party nomination, particularly in a large field.
In 2021, Voting Districts Will Be Redrawn Across The Country
In 2018, voters in five states passed reforms by overwhelming bipartisan margins to make future mapdrawing fairer and more transparent.
Looking To Increase Voter Registration Of Underrepresented Arizonans
The Voter Participation Center is mailing 139,000 voter registration forms to Arizona residents.The group is targeting African Americans and others.
College Campus Voting Access Threatened By New Florida Election Law
A controversial bill surrounding the administration of elections isn’t sitting well with those who fought to have early voting on college campuses.
Seattle Campaign Finance Program Gives Voters $100 To Donate
Seattle City Council candidate Pat Murakami weaves through front yards and porches, knocking on doors in a gritty but gentrifying neighborhood.
Kansas Democrats Dump Caucuses And Implement Ranked Voting
Kansas Democrats have taken the steps to reform the way that they participate in the process of nominating a Presidential candidate.