November 29th marked the four year anniversary of the start of the Fight For 15 movement, which has made strong headway in raising the minimum wage across the country. Unions, workers, labor and community Group in New York came together this morning at 5:30 in the morning as part of a National Fight for 15 Day of Protest and Civil Disobedience. Hundreds of protests across the country took place on November 29th.
In New York City it began with a rally in Zuccotti Park, home of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the place where the fight to raise the minimum wage and the Fight for 15 first gained momentum.
The rally was followed by a march to McDonald’s on Broadway just a block away where another rally and protest was held and where a Civil Disobedience action took place with up to 30 workers and city politicians. Together they took part in the action photographed here that resulted in all 30 being arrested by the New York Police Department for obstructing the roadway.

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