NY election reform with public system of campaign donations would reduce government corruption | Democracy, elections, and voting at Democracy Chronicles
New Yorkers are waiting for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to clean up Albany, new statewide poll finds
The Post-Standard
Syracuse, N.Y. – Forty-eight percent of voters in New York say government corruption is a “very serious” problem, the highest score in the decade that Quinnipiac University has been asking New Yorkers that question. The survey out this morning is the first since a new wave of political corruption
NY Minute: Cuomo, Silver add to proposals for political reform
The third fatality from the Boston Marathon bombings was a student from China. Kindness continues, as do unwavering tributes to Boston. New York pays its respects today: will be at half-staff today. A new poll shows Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s ratings have ticked up slightly; only 44 percent
Cuomo touts election reform
Tonawanda News
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday announced the first of several proposals designed to reduce corruption in state elections. The proposals include creating an independent enforcement unit at the state Board of Elections to investigate election law violations and opening primaries to additional scrutiny.
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