After the Supreme Court allowed the Ohio voter ID law to stand this election, many will be disenfranchised
African-American Voting Rights articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of African-American voting rights related articles. Few ongoing crisis in American elections have more importance to the integrity of the democracy than the imperative of ensuring voting rights for African-Americans. Also see Democracy Chronicles articles on African-Americans and Democracy, the Civil Rights Era, Minority Voting, and our unfortunate category: Racism.
Why 868 Southern Polling Places Were Shut Before This Election
EXPOSED: The number is probably larger than shown in this study, but many Southern polling places closed
Is Voter ID Already Lowering African-American Voter Turnout?
Longstanding fear of new laws lowering African-American voter turnout could be coming true
How Souls to the Polls is Boosting African-American Voting
North Carolina’s churches unite in their efforts aimed at boosting African-American voting
North Carolina Voting Wars Impact Voter Turnout
From voter ID to voter registration, most of the nation’s election controversies seen in North Carolina voting wars
Campaign to Boost Black Women Vote Off to Strong Start
National campaign launches website to encourage black women vote and help solve unique barriers to ballot
All Eyes on African-American Voter Turnout
Democrats see African-American voter turnout as a critical need in party’s quest for victory in November
Some Convenience Voting Tactics That Make Democracy Simpler
The numbers of people who take part in early voting are an example of benefits of convenience voting laws
US Elections from Afro-Muslim Perspective: Shame and Fear
Non-Americans have to respect whomever Americans vote for but this election has reminded the world that American ‘sophisticated’ electability system can malfunction and of how vulnerable it is
Emmett Till Law to Investigate Decades Old Civil Rights Abuse
House passage of the Emmett Till law would launch investigations into civil rights era deaths