After slavery, disenfranchisement has been one of the greatest injustices to African Americans who have been blocked from voting throughout U.S. history.
African-American Voting Rights articles on Democracy Chronicles
This is our collection of African-American voting rights related articles. Few ongoing crisis in American elections have more importance to the integrity of the democracy than the imperative of ensuring voting rights for African-Americans. Also see Democracy Chronicles articles on African-Americans and Democracy, the Civil Rights Era, Minority Voting, and our unfortunate category: Racism.
Elections 2020: a more inclusive process is needed
Attacks on minority voting rights is a major concern as November’s elections near. Collective action to ensure a more inclusive process is needed.
Whose ballot is more likely to be rejected? White or Black?
Expanded mail-in voting raises a number of concerns. One of these, whose vote is more likely to count, on one hand a white vote on the other, a black vote.
‘Urgent and essential:’ How John Lewis’s death has renewed calls to protect voting rights
‘Urgent and essential’ is how the bill that would restore a crucial provision of the voting rights act promoted by the late John Lewis has been described.
Michael Jordan Pledges $2.5 Million to Legal Defense Organizations and to Protect Black Voting Rights
Legal defense organsizations are working to protect black voting rights. Former NBA superstar, Michael Jordan, is backing some of them with $2.5million
Democrats urge action on voting rights as tribute to Lewis
John Lewis’s life project was protecting and expanding the right to vote. Democrats are encouraging Senate to take up a bill to honour his memory.
Rights Group and Celebrities Urge Senate To Act on Voting Rights
American democracy envisions ballot access but voting rights, especially African-American, remain gutted, requiring more activism for congress to act.
Amid accusations of violence, some say National Guard should no longer staff voting stations
National guard members have assisted or are set to help in several states, raising concerns over the possibility of voter intimidation [in upcoming polls], report.
‘A game-changer’: Pandemic forces shift in black voter outreach
The coronavirus has forced a shift in black voter outreach. “Historic voter suppression helps drive preference to vote in person”.
Coronavirus threatens a guarded tradition for many black Americans: Voting in person
Black Americans have traditionally preferred voting in person. The coronavirus threatens this tradition. There is a strong push for expanded vote-by-mail.