North Korea public execution of eighty dissidents was in front of stadium of public including children
Asia articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy on the continent of Asia where giants of China and India hover large. Asia represents a huge portion of the human race where both some of the best and worst governments coexist. Also see our World Democracy section!
VIDEO: Jailed China Dissident’s Daughter Plea for Help
Dr. Wang BingZhang in danger but jailed China dissident’s daughter seeks international assistance
Reforms Will Fail Unless Elections Empower Chinese
Unless elections empower Chinese social stability, extreme imbalances will follow giant’s growth
Revealing What China Censors on Social Media
China censors on social media heavily influence sites like to block democracy like popular Weibo
China in Significant Human Rights Reform Pledges
Relatively significant human rights reforms still leave political reform untouched
Nation Allows Mass Burma Political Prisoners Release
Reforming nation continues mass Burma political prisoners release arrested during darkest days
Televised China Confessions Are Human Rights Crimes
State TV has frequent televised China confessions to discredit journalists and rights activists
Quota for Women’s Representation in Rural India
Half of province lawmakers are now part of women’s representation in rural India in vast change
PETITION: Condemn Dictatorship Violence in Tibet
China dictatorship violence in Tibet is target of growing worldwide effort to stop violence and repression in Tibet
Family of China Dissident Protest at UN General Assembly
Wang Bingzhang is a free-speaking, God-fearing believer in democracy—and for that he is being jailed. The political dissident has been in solitary confinement in a southern Chinese prison for the past eleven years.