It is time for Democrats get back to the basics. We all know what this means: war accountability, national healthcare, affordable quality education, banking regulation, the environment, and fair elections.
Capitalism and Big Business articles on Democracy Chronicles
This capitalism section features news on how the world's preeminent economic system and the big business interests behind it relate to democracy, particularly free and fair elections. Other systems are also covered at Democracy Chronicles. See our articles on Anarchism, Libertarianism, and Socialism.
The U.S. is Now the World’s Top Oil Producer. Citizens Should Benefit
Americans are so in love with capitalism that the average person is being screwed. We think only the Robber Barons in this kleptocracy should share in our vast oil and natural gas wealth.
The Philosophy Behind the Wall Street Cabal of Greed
The problem with America is Wall Street-style heartless capitalism where the guys at the top love only money, worship greed, and don’t care how it affects you and I. That’s just the way it is. Profit without conscience is the credo.
Saving America’s Family Farms
For decades, especially since 1991, federal policy has set the price of farm milk below the cost of production, crushing America’s family farms. And we are all the worse for it.
Foxconn Comes to America. But Who’s Being Conned?
How come hedge fund managers and people who get paid in stocks only pay 20% while everybody else make less money and have to pay almost double that tax percentage? Our tax system is actually very regressive.
The Russian Summit, Reagan, and Trump Economics
When Trump went to NATO this week, he was pressuring our allies to go from spending 2% of their GDP on defense to 4%. Take a guess what country will benefit from arms sales? You got it, the USA.
America’s Fated Demise by Voter Apathy
The American public is afflicted with poor jobs, inflated health care and runaway college debt. Please Americans, come out from under the clueless self-righteous conservative right and join the patrons of democracy, freedom and understanding.
Democrats Must Be The Genuine Article
If the Democrats are ever to win and have any influence for good they have to be real the Genuine Article. The party of Clinton won the battle but lost the war. Corporate Democrats aren’t any better than Republicans.
The Carjacking of Democracy Since Reagan
If things are chaotic the rich can do whatever they want with less resistance. Most importantly, they are hell bent on accumulating all future income and, since Reagan, they have done a cleanup job of this endeavor.
The Making of a Fascist Empire
The creed of Reaganomics is greed is good. Just tell that to the child that doesn’t see his parents anymore because of a two job work load or is going to bed hungry. Is this the so-called “Promised Land”?