House Democrats have promised to hold investigations on a range of topics, including the activities of President Donald Trump and his staff.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’
Former President Jimmy altered hash words about America’s electoral process, calling the country “oligarchy with unlimited political bribery”.
Money Politics Crisis Remains Central to Proper Election Reform
Big money continues to corrupt American politics, creating a vicious cycle that funnels more wealth and power to those at the top and eroding our democracy.
N.C. Congressional Seat in Limbo as Fraud Investigation Continues
The dispute involves allegations of absentee ballot fraud. At the center of the controversy is McCrae Dowless, a Bladen County elected official.
Our Political Polarization Lacks an Ideological Solution
The increasing political polarization, a problem of the entire western world, is based on misconceptions to which today’s politicians find themselves without an ideological solution. They are as trustworthy as a runaway train!
Cronyism and Waste Accusations Roil Government Publishing Office
Cronyism, wasteful spending and other misconduct roil a little-known federal agency in charge of producing and distributing government’s official documents.
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death?
The revolutionary Patrick Henry who voiced this opinion in 1775 was the biggest slaveholder in the New World. He wanted freedom and liberty for himself but not for the slaves who made him his fortune.
Citizens United: A Battle of Money vs Democracy
It is time to demand change and this begins with staging mass protests against the Citizens United decision and the system of election campaign financing in America. Our freedoms and our rights hang in the balance.
Vitally Important Election Security Bills Face Hurdles in 2019
House Democrats might push new election security legislation in 2019 as they take over the majority, but obstacles remain in the Senate and the White House.
Report Blames Russia, China and Iran for 2018 Election Meddling
U.S. intelligence community concluded Americans were subjected to ongoing influence operations and disinformation campaigns by Russia, China and Iran.