Jim Tucker, Troy Hebert and Nick Gautreaux are among past lawmakers who became lobbyists, agency heads, legislative influencers or state board appointees.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
US Fails in Funding Obligation to Native Americans
U.S. federal governments fails in funding education, public safety, healthy care and other services under treaties, laws and other acts to native Americans.
Analyses Show Ongoing Russian Interference in US Democracy
Freedom House released report underscoring that American democracy remains at significant risk from Russian interference,” said president of Freedom House.
Russian Spy’s Guilty Plea Illustrates Danger Facing US Vote
Former top U.S. intelligence officials are warning about the Kremlin’s brazen desire and ability to interfere with the American political system.
Russia’s 2016 Election Meddling More Comprehensive Than Realized
Two new reports on Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections are shedding more light on the size and scope of the campaign.
Stop Grading Republicans on the Curve
We keep conceding to the criminal Republican agenda of rigging elections through voter suppression and a litany of illusory tactics tied to false voter fraud claims. In North Carolina, another election scandal has erupted.
In Solidarity With France’s Yellow Vest Protesters
I believe we should put on the yellow vests to show solidarity with our French brothers and sisters. It is time to come together for global relief to the citizens of the world!
Where the Russian Election Manipulation Investigations Stand
Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia and whether the president obstructed the investigation.
Senate Vote is Win Against Illegal Foreign Political Influence
Without the Schedule B requirements, nonprofit groups could take illegal foreign contributions and use them to swing elections with almost no chance of getting caught.
Courts Likely to Strike Down GOP’s Lame-duck Power Grabs
After Democrats won governor’s races in Wisconsin and Michigan, GOP-controlled legislatures have tried to limit executive GOP power grabs.