On the Supreme Court’s increasingly narrow definition of corruption, including the crimes of bribery and extortion
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
An association of alt-right liars
Dysfunction in the White House looks like a smokescreen hiding major conflicts of interest. Add critically understaffed departments and staffers with temporary security clearance, and the agenda looks pretty clear.
Failing to enforce rules governing unethical Congressional behavior
Ethics advocacy group says Congressional watchdogs meant to standards have not enforced the rules
Study confirms rich in firm control of American democracy
Path-breaking recent research has established a causal relationship between preferences of elite earners and public policy outcomes
VIDEO: Trump’s challenge to antiquated federal ethics regulation
How Trump’s continued control of his businesses has challenged existing legal structure for government ethics
Solutions: Foster Care and Family Court
This article starts with foster care and ends with an urgent cry for culture change in our family court systems. As a systems thinker and strategic planner, I organized these solutions into five strategies.
Is Trump’s Tax Bill Just Corporate 3 Card Monte?
I needed a moment to wrap my head around Trump’s GOP approved Tax Bill. First, I had to get over the way GOP Senate members scrambled, like roaches in the dark to pass their version of the bill.
Rethinking Campaign Finance to Protect Against Election Hacks
Each day, we learn more about how foreign sources use our own campaign finance laws and social media opportunities to try to influence U.S. elections. We only have ourselves to blame if we don’t demand accountability from candidates, political action committees and Congress. We must require them all to face up to this ugly truth. […]
Questions Surround Fairness of Virginia’s ‘Win-by-a-Vote’ Election
After the official recount, a three-judge panel in Virginia ruled that an uncounted ballot should instead be considered a vote for the Republican candidate. All three judges were “elected by a Republican-controlled legislature.” The panel’s decision created a tie in the state legislative contest between Democrat Shelly Simonds and Republican Del. David Yancey. According to […]
A Dispiriting Look at Georgia’s Election System
Georgia’s aging, vulnerable, unverifiable, mismanaged, electronic voting machines are famously insecure