Encouraging small donations through matching funds is the only way to curb corruption as Lawrence Lessig explains
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
NAACP Youth Pushing Black Lives Matter Policies
National push seeking to put Black Lives Matter movement at forefront of NAACP activism gains steam
The Spiking Corruption Plague Across America
FBI launches record number of investigations in unusual federal, state and local corruption plague
HUGE: Florida Gerrymandering Rejected in Court
Attempt to carve up state for political purposes through Florida gerrymandering blocked in court
The Newly Legal Path to End Redistricting Abuse
The Supreme Court has legalized new method for citizens to end redistricting by corrupt politicians
Call For Drastic Expansion of NJ Transparency Laws
Chronic government mismanagement stir calls to strengthen important NJ transparency legislation
Billionaire Dark Money Takes on IRS Transparency
Battle to stymie influx of billionaire dark money in politics is found to be almost impossible
Wall Street Political Donations Need New Scrutiny
Fresh concerns raised over legality and transparency of sizable Wall Street political donations
Cuomo Federal Corruption Probe is Big Trouble
After downfall of two powerful allies, Cuomo federal corruption investigation could change Albany
Election Commercials Are Big Bucks For Media Empires
Post-Citizens United era has proved to be boon to media companies with endless election commercials