Lawrence Lessig backed campaign finds candidates against money politics are few and far between
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
VIDEO: How To Rig Elections In Current System
Brennan Center report and video show how to rig elections with the commonly used methods today
Single-Candidate SuperPACs Facilitating Political Bribery
Secretive single-candidate superPACs supported frequently by a rich family member or benefactor
Hedge Fund Political Ties Key to Increasing Profits
A successful investment business is largely determined by your hedge fund political ties
Senators Accept Election Donations From Foreign Oil Compainies
Inside America’s ridiculous system for election fundraising, donations from foreign oil industry
VIDEO: Corrupt Cartoon Politician’s Campaign Commercial
Hilarious video animation tries to bring awareness to a democracy where the poor voter is ignored with cartoon politician’s one hundred percent honest television commercial
Koch Brothers IRS Battle Snares Unknown Bureaucrat
Lois Lerner battles public scrutiny amid central role in Koch Brothers IRS controversy
Seeking Politicians Who Fight Money in Politics
Lawrence Lessig seeks political help to fight money in politics with new advocacy group
VIDEO: The Minimum Wage and Money Politics
Issues of minimum wage and money in politics are linked according to left wing politicians
Rise of the Koch Brothers in Canada
Increasing investment by Koch brothers in Canada followed by trademark political activism