Rise of oligarchy and plutocracy are becoming reality as very wealthy gain in influence
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
Most of Congress Are Millionaires for First Time Ever
New research reveals that most of Congress are millionaires during unprecedented income inequality
Rule by Democrats, Republicans and Money
Analysis reveals tie of Democrats, Republicans and money is wholly corrupted by Citizens United
Should Gift Giving to Public Employees Be Legalized?
Practice of gift giving to public employees is so common that Philadelphia is gonna legalize it
America Needs Democracy to Fight Corruption
Democracy to fight corruption that leads to inequality and is result of weak institutions according to Robert Reich
FBI Investigating Turbulent Tennessee County Elections
Tennessee county election investigated by FBI after Supreme Court’s dismissal of Voting Rights Act
Lawrence Lessig on Modern Corruption
Lessig on Modern Corruption: Subtle influence of money in politics a systematic problem different from bribery
US is Becoming World Leader in Government Corruption
Economist Robert Reich laments legalization of corruption in US moving country down world tables towards being leader in government corruption
Election Expert Warns of Secret Tide of Dark Money
Influx tide of dark money billions donated by super-rich and big business is threat to democracy in America
$125 Million Spent Corrupting November’s NJ Election
Major money continues corrupting November’s NJ elections as parties take millions from big donors