I’m not a constitutional scholar. I discuss issues of public interest by using my common sense, which tells me that, in our country, money is speech.
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
100 Political Scientists Publish Warning On US Democracy
Public trust in American democracy is dwindling. Over 100 political scientists recently issued a warning aptly titled “Statement of Concern.”
When truth becomes relative: political crisis in a post-Trump era
The fact that the GOP believes it can’t survive without ex-President Donald Trump is a terrifying handover of power to a tyrant.
Autocracy Is Bad For Business
Autocracy is bad for business. Businesses that fund politicians who back the ongoing assault on democracy should rethink their approach.
Texas GOP Release Text of Voter Suppression Bill
SB 7, the omnibus voter suppression bill that legislative GOP have been working on for months, has reached a final version in Texas.
How Dark Money Is Shaping Redistricting In 2021
Redistricting influences political outcomes. However, a network of “dark money” groups is complicating the redistricting process.
Trumpists Push To Revisit Election Results Nationwide
Encouraged by an unjustified Maricopa County, Arizona, ballot audit, Trumpists are calling for a nationwide 2020 election review.
FEC Explores Measures To Expose ‘Scam PACs’
“Scam PACs” funnel money to their own operatives while investing little on actual political action. The FEC wants to curb this practice.
To Fix Democracy, Get Small Money Into Politics
We can only defeat big money by bringing small money into politics, much as the Democracy Voucher Program gives the people agency.
The “Swiftest And Surest Way” To Purge Corruption
An example of big money flooding US elections is the top 100 donors to Super PACs in the 2020 elections who donated over $2billion.