Second lot of sidelined Democratic candidates seeking Presidential nomination without party support
Democrats articles on Democracy Chronicles
Basically the Democrats are the leftist and centrist party. Notably, the Democrats are the oldest political party still in existence in the United States and probably the oldest political party in the world. Also see our articles on Republicans, Independent Politicians and our Third Party Central section.
Thrown Off the Ballot After Four Years in Office
I can’t thank you enough for your attention to my re-election campaign this year. As disappointing as it was to be thrown off the ballot, I know that the campaign was not in vain. Nor were the four years in office.
8 Democratic Candidates Not Covered by the Media
These are just some of the Democratic Party candidates not covered in media or allowed in debates
Legacy of Bush v. Gore Haunts Sandra Day O’Conner
Casting the deciding vote in the Supreme Court’s 2000 decision marks Sandra Day O’Conner’s career
Lawrence Lessig Fights For Space in Democratic Debate
Money in politics expert Lawrence Lessig fights ferociously for chance to debate Democratic rivals
The Alternative Electoral Strategy
Can third parties become a force for reversing voter suppression? Maximizing vote totals might require focus on some states and not others without regard for how this helps or hurts the Democrats.
Push, Pull, Pivot: On Electoral Strategy
There is no threat of exit without somewhere to exit to. It is, after all, what we do that matters, not what the politicians or candidates do. Consider adopting the strategic sense of Martin Luther King.
Towards A Transformative Electoral Strategy
The inside/outside strategy, first and foremost, requires a shift in outlook and consciousness. The lesser of two evils, non-voters and protest voters need to start acting like we are all part of a movement.
Every Four Years: Towards a Transformative Electoral Strategy
The people are the single most important part of the electoral system, not the party elites. But, if we continue to do what we have always done, we will just get more of what we have always gotten.
Divide and Rule: A Failed Electoral System
Since the beginning of recorded human history systems of hierarchy have been set up not only to control and keep the masses in their places, but to make men superior to women, one race superior to another, and the rich superior to the poor.