Democratic decision making is not rare in animal kingdom as shown in collective wisdom of pigeon flocks
Dictatorships articles on Democracy Chronicles
Here you will find our latest news on dictatorships around the world. These articles attempt to shine a light on the ridiculous, bizarre, and inhumane ramifications that result from organizing human societies without consent of the humans. The worst abuses of dictatorships will be covered here as well as their most outrageous behavior. Also see our section on the Political Dissidents who struggle against dictatorships across the world.
“From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.”
Thomas Paine
Trend of African Term Limit Extensions Threaten Democracy
Failure to hold to any African term limit for top leaders has kept leaders like Mugabe in power for too long
Turkmenistan Dictator Can Now Rule For Life
Last barrier to indefinite rule by Turkmenistan dictator Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov has been removed
Brutality of Equatorial Guinea Dictatorship Revealed
Accusations of cannibalism are the latest in a series of atrocities by the brutal Equatorial Guinea dictatorship
To Protect Leader, North Korea Bans Sarcasm
Smart asses furious after North Korea bans sarcasm, the very highest form of wit according to Oscar Wilde
New Video Reveals Systematic Zimbabwe Police Brutality
Video of a tear gas attack on a commuter bus is a reminder of Zimbabwe police brutality
What’s Next After Sunday’s Predetermined Belarus Election?
Political activists urge patience as latest predetermined Belarus election reveals lack of democracy
Internet Access Has Become Favored Weapon of Repression
Revealing how minority groups worldwide suffer when internet access used as tool of repression
Examination of Common Dictatorship Tactics to Remain in Power
Time tested methods of repression among dictatorship tactics used to keep power indefinitely
Congolese Catholic Church Taking Stand Against Kabila Regime
Push for new President and election reforms pits Congolese Catholic Church against ruling Kabila