The government of Ethiopia turned off the internet as protesters took to the streets while dozens of people died in ethnic clashes last month in the capital.
Dictatorships articles on Democracy Chronicles
Here you will find our latest news on dictatorships around the world. These articles attempt to shine a light on the ridiculous, bizarre, and inhumane ramifications that result from organizing human societies without consent of the humans. The worst abuses of dictatorships will be covered here as well as their most outrageous behavior. Also see our section on the Political Dissidents who struggle against dictatorships across the world.
“From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.”
Thomas Paine
New President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang is Consolidating Power
Communist Party of Vietnam has decided to nominate its general secretary as the sole candidate for the presidency, succeeding late President Tran Dai Quang.
How Young Ugandans Are Leading the Battle For Democracy
Protests have rocked Uganda since last year, when the government amended the constitution to abolish presidential age limits for President Yoweri Museveni.
Exiled Uighurs Express Fear for Loved Ones Amid China Crackdown
The Uighur diaspora are lobbying governments around the world to pressurize China to release information about the fate of their missing family members.
VIDEO: Uyghurs Detail Experiences In Chinese Re-Education Camps
While China continues to deny the existence of reeducation camps, three testimonies make clear their existence and the way they are operated.
State Repression in Sudan Continues, Especially Against Women
Large number of reports of restrictions of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, assembly, the press and freedom of religion.
Central African Republic Peace Impossible Without Justice For Victims
UN human rights expert warns true peace in CAR won’t be possible without justice for the hundreds of thousands of victims of human right abuse and violence.
Portraits Of A Dynasty: North Korea’s Ever-Present Kims
The first thing travelers to North Korea notice are statues of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il. They remind the public of central role of the Kim dynasty.
New Report Details Deteriorating Egyptian Human Rights Conditions
Human Rights First and the Cairo Institute released a report detailing the severe crackdown on peaceful dissent and nongovernmental organizations in Egypt.
Xi Jinping Will Ban All Foreign Online News Across China
Chinese government will block foreign current affairs content from being shown in the country, report from its National Radio and Television Administration says.