The MGA will consider bill to allow Baltimore City Council to establish open primary elections or “ranked choice” voting for primary or general elections.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
New Campaign Launched to Introduce Connecticut Ranked Voting
50 Democrats, independents, Greens and Working Family Party members came for a meeting about launching a statewide campaign to bring RCV to Connecticut.
Legislature Set to Introduce Vermont Ranked Voting Law
Upcoming legislative session will see a push among some lawmakers to change the way Vermonters cast their ballots during elections to ranked voting method.
New Year’s Resolutions at the Center for Election Science
This year was a banner year. We hired new staff, spoke on the world stage, and led a successful campaign that made Fargo, North Dakota the first city in the US to implement approval voting.
At Least 4 Utah Cities May Try Ranked Choice Voting
Deadline is approaching for cities across Utah to decide if they want to experiment ranked choice voting which is foreseeable with atleast four Utah cities.
Maine Governor Slams New Ranked Voting System as ‘Repugnant’
Maine’s Republican governor has cast more doubt on a recent congressional election, losing GOP incumbent is seeking to nullify in a federal lawsuit .
Thoughts on Meritocracy
When we adopt such a truly bottom-up, democratic system of representative government, it will be meritocratic naturally because the people will decide which of their peers have the merit to serve as their representatives.
Successful Finish for Ranked Choice Voting in Maine
The historic use of RCV in Maine’s congressional elections ended on a high note with results affirmed in the 2nd Congressional District race.
Is Ranked-Choice Voting Coming to Amherst, Massachusetts?
The Amherst Town Council Monday adopted a Ranked-choice Voting Commission, a system that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference.
Coalition Pushes Ranked-Choice Voting in Massachusetts
Supporters want to switch to a ranked-choice system that allows voters to weigh candidates in order of preference and transfer their votes if no one gets more than 50 percent.