Due to the Electoral College’s excessive influence in recent elections, most Americans back altering the presidential election process.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
It’s Time For Universal Voting
A genuinely inclusive and participatory democracy, which is currently essential to the stability of America, requires universal voting.
Can Ranked-Choice Voting Save American Democracy?
Some critics of the US electoral process contend that most voters don’t have many options when they cast their ballots in November.
Massachusetts’ Highest Court Upholds New Mail-In Voting Law
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has rejected a GOP-led attempt to prevent implementation of a new mail-in voting law.
Making Democracy Robust With 100% Voter Turnout
“Civic duty voting” advocates argue that it will alter election campaigns by mobilizing the base to appeal to a wider audience.
Non-Partisan Primaries Versus Top-4, Top-2 Primaries
Non-partisan elections and primary-election innovations, like Alaska’s adoption of the Top-4 primary, have fundamental differences.
Approval Voting For Seattle City Elections
Seattle will determine whether to adopt a new system of voting that would allow voters to choose as many candidates as they like.
Our System of Primary Elections Could Destroy Democracy
With the plurality system, if the winner has only one-third of the votes, that means two-thirds were on the losing side of the vote, expert.
A Rational Two-Party System?
Partisan primaries followed by a plurality-winner general election is a sensible way for an electorate to make a clear policy choice?
The Conservative Case For Proportional Representation
Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen calls on Congress to find a bipartisan accord to abolish gerrymandering, offering three options.