Progressives are right about the possibility of a split-vote when they vote for progressive parties if they worry about taking votes from a Democrat. But that doesn’t matter unless you think the Democrat is worth electing or any different from the Republicans.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Success of Independent Candidates to Tip Senate Balance
Vote splitting to independent candidates from either major party could tip Senate balance tomorrow
Suu Kyi Says Burma Voting Methods Referendum Needed
First Past the Post and proportional representation face possible Burma voting methods referendum
What is the Best World Map? VOTE NOW!
In currently-published atlases and magazines, there are, very nearly, only two world map-projections that are ever encountered nowadays. The purpose of this poll is to find out which map projections people actually like and prefer.
Term Limit Supporters Throw Support to Article V Convention
Seeking amendment for to Constitution, term limit supporters back Constitutional Convention
Difficulty of Designing Tamper Proof Voting Methods
Study: Latest end-to-end tamper proof voting methods too difficult to use and complex for use
Third Parties Watch Oregon Top Two Primary Vote Closely
One of the most closely watched votes is Measure 90 introducing an Oregon top two primary vote
How Highly Competitive Elections Feed Polarizing Politics
Study finds that candidates can trend to extremes during the most highly competitive elections
Vote Against Oregon’s Top Two Primary Election Proposal
Those of us in Oregon need to vote against the “top two primary” election because it continues to use single-mark ballots, which are the source of the problem. The idea of an “open” primary is a nice idea, but primary elections — of either kind — need to use a better kind of ballot.
Vote on Implementing Oregon Top Two Primary System
Both parties are opposing introduction of Oregon top two primary system in upcoming election