Increasing voter access for disabled and elderly was aim of Canadian online voting plan
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Launching Campaign for Smarter Voting Worldwide
We’ve been working a lot behind the scenes lately to help deliver you a better experience through our website. We hope our new look makes things a lot easier to find. Also, we’ll be adding new resources as we go along!
On Splitting California In Six to Gain More Power in Congress
Activist seeks to attain proportional representation in Senate by splitting California
We Need a Third Party
It is time for a third party to rise out of the ossified tribal sensibility of our current election process. A third party can and should emerge as a refreshing alternative for those who are weary of the current gridlock. We need a third party.
Why E-Stonia Internet Voting Should be Stopped
Tech experts warn that radical E-Stonia internet voting plans are vulnerable to foul play
Can Convention of States Alter the Constitution?
To alter the Constitution with new amendment, coalition of states just needs 75% agreement
Should Rhode Island Use Instant Runoff Voting?
Author arguing that America’s smallest state Rhode Island use instant runoff voting method
VIDEO: Making the Argument Against National Popular Vote
Many against national popular vote and for the Electoral College are those who support rural power
Let’s Play: “What’s The Best Voting Method?”
Three-hundred million people want to select one of thirty candidates who will most likely provide them with the greatest overall satisfaction as a collective group (the very essence of democracy). What is the best voting method to use?
Is America Still a Democracy?
Ivy League study asks if America Still a Democracy and finds out another term might fit better