Ohio third party court case involving Libertarian and Green Parties is sign on worsening access
Green Party News articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Green Party news section covers the premier environmentally-focused American political party. The Greens, like their international brethren, are based on the principles of Green politics of social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Many Green Parties exist around the world although are mostly unaffiliated with each other. The dominant Green Party in America is officially titled the Green Party USA. Also see our Green Party page and Third Party Central.
Huge Public Support for UK Green Party Debate Appearance
Public sees UK Green Party debate appearance as appropriate considering obvious national presence
New York’s Solar State Program Can Be Copied Anywhere
Through projects and programs like the Sun Initiative, New York is quickly becoming a true solar state. Ensuring that reputation becomes a harbinger in the Unites States is essential to coming anywhere near President Obama’s lofty 2050 emission goals.
On Viable Political Parties: What Can We Do Now?
Voting is only half of democracy. Equally important is open and honest media (something that we currently don’t have any semblance of). In particular, it’s necessary that the public aren’t being fed a lie about what other voters want or which politicians belong to viable political parties.
From GNP to Gross International Happiness
Any healthy country that achieves a high level of gross national happiness can be a model for other countries to emulate. Here are seven problems that prevent Gross National Happiness: the overall happiness of a nation.
The Ideal American Society
In this essay the author discusses 6 divergent political and religious groups and the world. What is now happening is the working class is increasingly getting a smaller share of the pie, the middle class is disappearing, and the rich keep getting richer.
Billionaire’s SuperPAC Battle Keystone Pipeline
How a SuperPAC is leading activists as they battle Keystone Pipeline with election ads
On Alternating Voting Methods in Successive Elections
Responding to question on plausibility of alternating voting methods, Michael Ossipoff said: “Certainly it would be good to try out various methods, and alternating them in successive elections would be one way. “
National Green Party Sets Sights on California
After recent successes the national Green Party is now looking for major push into California
Interview With Activist Chris Phillips
Activist Chris Phillips got his start with the Green Party in 2000 working for Ralph Nader’s presidential campaign. He joined the Occupy Wall Street movement in October of 2011 and participated at the occupations in New York City and Buffalo, including a six-month stint near Trinity Church