A third party like Libertarians, Greens must engage and attract Non-Voters in America
Independent Politicians articles on Democracy Chronicles
Independent politicians are not connected to a political party. Washington was the only American president elected as an independent, being not formally affiliated with any party. Also see Third Party Central.
A Landmark Occasion For Long-Shots and Independents
Long-Shots and Independents: Debate of voices outside the two front runner parties is good for the country despite being disincentivized in status quo
California Top-Two Primaries Causing Multiple Controversies
Small Parties and Independent Voters Frustrated With Experimental California Top-Two Primaries Law
Against Arizona’s Proposition 121, a Flawed “Top-Two” Primary
Anyone in Arizona who wants fairer election results should vote against Arizona’s Proposition 121, learn about vote-splitting, and look at the Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates to see which election-method reforms are supported by election-method experts
What All Third Parties Can Agree On
Third Parties Can Agree: A Unique Call For Third Parties to Unite For Reform of Election System
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein is True Independent
Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Jill Stein Leads Stronger Green Party Poised For Surge in This Years Elections Against Obama and Mitt Romney
Every Face on Mt. Rushmore Was Third Party Candidate
Every Face on Mt. Rushmore: Libertarian Party Candidate Gary Johnson Battling For Media Coverage
Ballot Access News Discusses Likely 2012 Election Access
2012 Election Access: Third Party Presidential Candidates Continue Fight to Get Names on Ballot
Unprecedented Pennsylvania Spending Targets Independents
Rural Areas of Pennsylvania Spending Targets by National Campaigns Focuses on Independent Issues
Presidential Third Party News From Wikinews
Presidential Third Party: An Interview With a Candidate For Green Party Nomination and American Independent Party Updates