Thomas Paine defines government as separate from society, and indeed if society functioned perfectly there would be no need for government.
Libertarian Party articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Libertarian Party shares a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end such as individual liberty and political freedom. It is the third largest party by membership in the United States. Our Libertarian Party page is a great place for more information and you can check out our Green Party and Justice Party pages as well. Also see our articles on Anarchism, Capitalism, and Socialism. Perhaps even look at our articles on Big Government.
Thomas Paine Was Not A Libertarian
Libertarianism is the feeble step-child of anarchism: espousing that the individual is everything, the collective is always oppressive.
NJ Libertarians Seeking Historic Gains In 2021 Elections
The NJLP has received interest from more than 60 prospective candidates interested in running in 2021 since launching its latest recruitment.
How HR One Would Hurt Minor Party Presidential Campaigns
HR1 includes a poison pill intended to eliminate electoral competition and voter preference, further entrenching the polarizing duopoly.
Threatened By Libertarians, Iowa GOP Moves Election Goal Posts
The Republican party in Iowa is agitated by competition from Libertarian which is causing it legislate barriers for alternative candidates.
Libertarians Take Court Action Against Ohio Elections Commission Makeup
Debates included only the Republican and Democratic nominees, even though the Libertarian and Greens also had gubernatorial candidates on the ballot.
Libertarian Party Battling Onerous Georgia Ballot Access Laws
Briefs on both sides filed in Georgia Libertarian Party ballot access case that challenges requirements for parties that did’t get 20% of president vote.
U.S. District Court Puts Kentucky Libertarian Nominees on Ballot
On May 9, U.S. District Court Judge William O. Bertelsman, a Carter appointee, granted injunctive relief to the Kentucky Libertarian Party.
GOP Congressman May Seek the Libertarian Presidential Nomination
Last night Rep. Justin Amash (R–Mich.), that libertarian Capitol Hill fan favorite, cryptically tweeted out this passage from The Two Towers.
Libertarians Sue as Ohio Election Commission Excludes Third Parties
Libertarian Party filed two lawsuits in state trial court over exclusion of third parties from Ohio Election Commission other than the two largest parties.