Fracking Industry Uses its Money to Buy Your Politicians. Massive amounts are spent by fracking lobbyists to influence local, state and national politicians
Political Lobbying articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political lobbying is a legal practice of petitioning the government enshrined in the Constitution but has been supersized in the modern era by well-financed lobbies having outsized impact on government decision making. Efforts to highlight and correct the oversized impact that the powerful few have over government will be highlighted in this section. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics.
Scandal Meets NSA Money in Politics
Revelations about massive donations to Senators feed corrupt lawmaking and NSA money in politics
California, the Koch Brothers and Dark Money
Big donor battle state of California for right to spend big on election candidates in Koch brothers and dark money fight
Speaker Pelosi Accused of Profit in Crony Capitalism Era
Crony capitalism is alive and well in Congress as Speaker Pelosi accused of conflict of interest
Record Amount Spent on NJ Elections Since Citizens United
Change in NJ elections since Citizens United unleashed record torrent of cash into coffers of politicians
Top Election Donor Has Spent $100 Million Buying Politicians
List of top election donors in recent years reveals $100 million buying politician by billionaire
Massive Teacher’s Union Election Spending
How New Jersey teacher’s union election spending has protected its influence since Citizens United
Billionaire Kochs to Profit From Keystone Pipeline
High profit from Keystone Pipeline will support companies of country’s biggest political donors
District Vote Illustrates Money in New Jersey Elections
Inflow of huge money in New Jersey elections and statewide campaign districts stirs controversy
Can Polarized Politics Be Reduced Through Two Simple Words?
Couldn’t polarized politics be seriously mitigated simply by officially adding just two more words to our ballot instructions?