Egypt’s liberal reformer candidate El-Baradei out of contest as field narrows even further
Middle East articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy in the troubled Middle East where vast cultural change and persistent political violence cry out for democracy. Also see our World Democracy section and our articles on the ongoing Arab Spring.
Fatah & Hamas: When is the Next Election?
Conflict between Palestinian powers of Fatah & Hamas has delayed elections time and again
EXCLUSIVE: Arab League Scams Syria People
Tunisia, Egypt and soon Libya have proven Arabs can hold free and fair elections. But devious Arab League scams Syria to prevent democracy start for country
Dictator’s Best Friend: Iran Reaches Out to Chavez
Iran reaches out to Chavez as both countries use oil reserves as power base for political change
Syrian Rebels Accuse Assad of Inciting Violence
Months into open violent conflict and dozens of atrocities Syrian rebels accuse Assad officially
Iran Restricts Access to Media
Iran Restricts Access: dictatorship continues shutting down access to aid for media outlets
In Rare Public Appearance, Assad Calls for “Reform”
In Rare Public Appearance, Assad Calls for “Reform”: Syria’s Assad to call referendum, vows to crush terror
More Gulf Dictators Delay on Syria Violence as War Ignites
Gulf Dictators: Arab leaders press on with their under-fire mission as dictators delay on Syria