Conservative Karl Rove PAC Crossroads has come under fire over transparency in donations
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
We Need Your Help to Fund an Election Reform Film
The Design of a Broken System aims to take the issue of ELECTION REFORM and present it in a concise way that analyzes the current system and proposes alternatives which are advocated by our country’s leading analysts and researchers.
NHRebellion Finishes March Against Money in Politics
Money in politics activists celebrate month long protest movement as NHRebellion finishes march
Rachel Maddow Pushes Investigation Into Koch Donations
Investigation Into Koch donations to political causes has consumed Rachel Maddow’s show
How Good for Some, Bad for All Threatens our Health
Good for Some, Bad for All: I’m running for Congress to end the corrupting role of money in politics. In the case of clean energy and climate legislation, this corruption affects both parties, but it would be misleading to blame them equally.
Tech Companies Spend Fortunes for Access to Congress
New data shows that US tech companies spend fortunes to influence elections and politicians
Until Elections Are Fixed, Nothing Else Will Be
There will be more chaos in Washington and trouble for the American people until elections are fixed
CNN Announces Year of Focus on Money in Politics
For major media like CNN focus on money in politics is good for the reform movement
Money in Elections Featuring Gary Sinise and the IRS
Hollywood organization featuring Gary Sinise, Pat Boone, and other stars is battling the IRS
$300,000 Fine for Breaking California Donations Law
Breaking California donations laws on dark money can lead to massive fines as deterrent