Openness gets slight boost after House renews transparency support speedily and renews penalties
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
How the Fracking Industry Uses its Money in Politics
Fracking Industry Uses its Money to Buy Your Politicians. Massive amounts are spent by fracking lobbyists to influence local, state and national politicians
Scandal Meets NSA Money in Politics
Revelations about massive donations to Senators feed corrupt lawmaking and NSA money in politics
Government Sachs: Full Accounting of Company’s Power
Government Sachs still holds immense political power as country’s preeminent financial institution
Political Campaigns Can Now Accept Bitcoin Donations
Internet currency has just enter weird world of money in American elections with Bitcoin donations
Dark Money and Solar Industry in Arizona
Dark money and solar Industry opponents used by power companies is aimed at reducing expansion of solar in Arizona
Call to End Pennsylvania Judicial Elections
Criticized for influence of money and low citizen awareness, many activists seek to end Pennsylvania judicial elections
California, the Koch Brothers and Dark Money
Big donor battle state of California for right to spend big on election candidates in Koch brothers and dark money fight
Out of State Money Floods NJ Elections
Influx of out of state money floods NJ elections changing direction of local political campaigns
Weak Laws Allow Big Donors to Buy Reno Politicians
VIDEO: Laws permit unlimited donations to buy Reno politicians without disclosing before elections