It is now a majority of Senators who leave government for lucrative lobbying jobs. Do You Approve When Your Senators Become Lobbyists After Retirement?
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
NJ Election Campaign Donations Circumvent State Law
Donations to election campaign of NJ Governor Chris Christie circumvent state by going national
Washington DC has Changed. More Corruption.
Corruption in government and special interest free for all has altered a Washington DC has changed
Fat Cats Dine as People Suffer in America’s Capital
Political power and wealth on display in Congress amid masses of locals below poverty line as many people suffer in America’s capital of Washington DC
Obscure Government Ethics Office Fights Federal Corruption
Government Ethics Office has unenviable task of monitoring federal corruption and bribery
Richest Congressman Worth $355 Million
Richest lawmaker in federal government is Darrell Issa from California according to new listing for richest Congressman
NJ Election Regulator Talks Campaign Finance Tech
Campaign finance reform meets big data and technology at NJ hackfest meetup and lectures
Who Does the Senate Actually Represent?
Very few Senators are not millionaires and their action betray bias against the average citizen by a Senate actually represents American concentrated wealth
Politics Threatened by Australia Money in Elections
Weak campaign finance laws mean Australia money in elections lacks protection against huge donors
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