Campaign Finance Reform Art Groups Taking Get Money Out of Politics Message to American Streets
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
NY Business Leaders Love Campaign Finance Reform
Poll: Like Others in the City, New York’s Top Business Leaders Love Campaign Finance Reform
Google and Facebook Spending Millions on Elections
Large Companies Continue Pumping Money Into Mass Lobbying Efforts Setting New Records With Both Google and Facebook Spending Millions on Election Donations
Foreign Money Being Funneled Into US Elections
Foreign-connected PACs see dark money funneled Into US Elections, campaign watchdogs say
SuperPacs Are Taking Advantage of Lax Campaign Finance Laws
Lax campaign finance law and the messages they are financing may have a striking long-term effect
Mayor Bloomberg Spends Fortune on Moderates
NY mayor Bloomberg spends fortune on moderate and middle of the road candidates during his tenure
Law and Democracy: A Symposium Examines Democratic Process
Democracy Forum ‘Law and Democracy’ Hosted by The George Washington University Law Review and the Political Law Society
How Federal Reserve Decisions Effect Presidential Elections
Elections Are Often Decided By Short Term Economic Performance Which Can Be Influenced By Federal Reserve Decisions Effects
Appeals Court Reinstates Montana Campaign Donation Limits
Longtime Montana Campaign Donation Finance Limits Are Under Threat After Citizens United Ruling
Advertisers Take Advantage of Elections Fever With Gimmicks
Companies Spending Massive Advertising Budgets on Efforts to Tie Products With Coming Elections, Are Advertisers Take Advantage of Elections?