Presidential Campaigns Massive Spending on Ads Makes Many Frustrated by Negative Campaigns
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
IRS Hints at Halting Secret Campaign Money Flow
IRS Has an Opportunity to Reduce Some Damage of Citizens United
Most Expensive Presidential Campaign Ever Sparks New Industry
Spending OVER ONE BILLION Makes This the Most Expensive Presidential Campaign in World History
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Help Build the Democracy Movement – Join Democracy Chronicles Today! Looking for Volunteers!!!
Small Town Candidate Runs Without Georgia Campaign Donations
Unique and Heroic Stand by Conservative Activist Running Without Georgia Campaign Donations Sets Example of Honest Government Despite Opponents Cashpile
Push to Disclose Big Donors to Election Campaigns
Can Attempts to Institutionalize Transparency Succeed in the Modern Climate? If We Disclose Big Donors We Are Halfway There: Democracy, elections and voting
Presidential Donations and the Future of American Politics
Presidential Donations and the Future as DC Writer Examines Citizens United and its Repercussions
New Secret Groups Shield Political Gifts of Businesses
Superpacs Are Nothing Compared to the Behind the Shield Political Gifts Corrupting Government
Romney’s Fabulous Wealth Invites Comparison to John Kerry
Romney’s Fabulous Wealth Approaches Half Billion as Financial Success Seen in 2012 Perspective
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Election Expert Discusses Reform in US, Guatemala
Calls For Approval Voting and Participation in the Democratic Process Are Reaching Climax in America and Guatemala as Election Expert Discusses Reform