$650 a night for Secret Service agents at hotels, golf cart rentals of $1M, Chinese trade marks etc, are not where the real graft was for four years of malfeasance.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
The Political Donation History Of Wealthy Sports Owners
American professional sports owners have contributed nearly $47 million in federal elections since 2015, according to research by ESPN.
Citizens ununited
The Supreme Court should never have had the option to decide whether or not to pass Citizens United because of the effect that it had on the country.
Trump Tax Claims likely to hurt re-election bid
Trump withheld his tax reports for years but New York Times report Sunday paints grim picture of his fiscal activities that could hurt re-election bid.
COVID-19 makes a difficult voting process for people who are homeless even harder
America’s homeless have the right to vote like any other citizen. However, Covid-19 makes a difficult voting process for them even harder.
Election Day: Uber will offer discounted rides to polling locations
Uber is stepping up to play a role in the November 2020 polls. It is offering discounted rides to voters to get to polling locations.
Poll: More Than Half of Young People Lack Resources to Vote by Mail
Vote-by-mail requires resources. But a new poll shows half of the young people eligible to vote may not be able to secure these resources.
Ransomware continues to be election-security fear for local officials
Upended by the disastrous pandemic, the 2020 election is facing yet another attack on the vote from ransomware.
Trump, Biden build legal armies for electoral battlefield
Many experts predict the 2020 election will be one of the most litigated in U.S. history. Trump and Biden are constituting legal armies in preparation.
National Security Leaders Urge Congress to Provide Election Officials with Additional Funds
National security leaders and experts have called on Congress to provide funding to election officials for administering a safe and secure election in November, despite the coronavirus.