Voatz, a mobile-focused voting and citizen engagement platform, announced today that it has raised $7 million in Series A funding led by Medici Ventures.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
New FEC Inspector General Report Describes A Hobbled Watchdog
New report from the Office of Inspector General at the FEC provides new information about how the agency’s internal watchdog has been hamstrung for months.
How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million At Trump Resort – And Cashed In
Payday lenders offer loans on the order of a few hundred dollars, typically to low-income borrowers, who have to pay them back in a matter of weeks.
How Sunday Church Collections Land In Pockets Of Lobbyists
The U.S. Catholic Church spent $10.6 million on lobbyists to prevent victims of clerical sex abuse from suing for damages.
75% of FTC Officials Have Revolving Door Conflicts With Industry
Most top officials at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) become lawyers and lobbyists for major technology companies after they leave the agency.
Emails Show How Much Pull NJ Political Bosses Had Over Tax Breaks
A law firm linked to New Jersey political boss George E. Norcross III enjoyed extraordinary influence over the state’s tax break program.
Podcast: Democracy in America, 2019 Edition
Lindsay Lloyd, director George W. Bush Center’s Human Freedom Initiative and part of The Democracy Project, joins the Democracy Works podcast this week to discuss The Democracy Project’s report and what its findings mean for citizens across the United States.
Chemical Lobby Giving Generously To Congress to Stop Ban on Chlorpyrifos
Chemical lobby giving generously to congress to Stop ban on Chlorpyrifos controversial pesticide linked to brain damage in children.
Congressional Leadership PACs Continue To Subsidize Lavish Lifestyles
A new report shows that instead of doling out funds to political allies, members of Congress routinely use leadership PAC funds to pay for expensive meals.
Supreme Court Rejects Bid To Let Businesses Donate To Candidates
The U.S. Supreme Court declined an opportunity to give businesses broader rights to contribute money to political candidates and causes.