Maybe some scary specter could visit some of these scroogelike CEO’s in the middle of the night and fly them around the poorer sections of our nation while dressed in their sleeping gowns to underline the critical need of our constituents.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
About The Select Committee On The Modernization Of Congress
The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress has the best opportunity in decades to bring the House into the 21st Century.
A New Tool Lets You Track Candidate Spending On Facebook
After foreign actors used Facebook to reach people during 2016 election and sow discord, the platform came under pressure to make some significant changes.
Podcast: Former FEC Chair On Campaign Finance And Democracy
Before the end of her term as FEC Chair, Caroline Hunter joined the Democracy Works podcast to explore the relationship between campaign finance and democracy.
Energy and Utility Lobbies Poured $60 Million Into 2017 Campaigns
Unleashed by 2010 Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to make political contributions about companies pumping million into campaign committees.
NRA Political Strategy Pulls From the Dictator’s Playbook
NRA has relied on fear mongering and misinformation tactics to transform its agenda from supporting gun safety to advocating unrestricted gun rights.
American Corruption Isn’t Just Another Scandal
American corruption isn’t just another scandal it is more about whether, with enough money and power, you can get away with undermining democracy.
10 Far-Reaching Congressional Ethics Reforms Proposed
Proposal addresses 10 clear, strong solutions that would make Congress more responsive to the needs of all Americans, instead of wealthy special interests.
Lawsuit: NRA Illegally Coordinated $35 Million in Campaign Spending
CLC Action filed suit on behalf of Giffords against FEC for failing to announce actions against NRA for using shell corporations.
Coin Flip Determines Winner Of Election In Chicago Suburb
A toss of an 1899 silver dollar decided a tie Tuesday in an election for trustee in Sauk Village. The winner Gary Bell had called tails.