The Green Party of the United States has awarded twenty Green Party candidates financial assistance for their federal, state, and local races.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Midterm Election Campaigning To Cost Record $5 Billion
The Center for Responsive Politics projects more than $5 billion will be spent during the 2018 election, making it the highest in the history of US elections.
PODCAST: Trump, Saudi Arabia, and the Petrodollar
Update on the crumbling petrodollar system breaking down the recent — and unprecedented — events surrounding the U.S.-Saudi Arabia relationship.
US Congressional Races Break Election Fundraising Records
US congressional races break fundraising records this campaign season, driven in part by striking hauls by at least five candidates from both major parties.
The Plan to Privatize the Veterans Administration is a Money Grab
Make no mistake, the current administration’s latest action is not about quality care or efficiency, it is a money grab to take public funds and give them to private medical concerns. There is no substitute for the VA’s experience.
Emerging Political Finance Technology is a Quiet Revolution
While cryptocurrency can be a major driver to increase transparency and accountability in political finance, it can also pose a new regulatory challenge.
Profile of a Powerful Political Donor: Sheldon Adelson
Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has never been more powerful. The Trump administration has advanced his ideological and financial interests.
The Hidden Money Funding The Midterms
Super PACs have spent at least $21.6 million in 78 congressional races before disclosing who donated that money — $15.7 million of it during primaries.
Open Data Project to Monitor Political Campaign Facebook Spending
Starting today you can download a version of ProPublica’s Political Ad Collector Firefox browser and help monitor political campaign Facebook spending.
4 US Democracy Questions to Ask When Comparing Midterm Candidates
A listing of the important questions you should be asking candidates as we get closer to the midterms. You can also adjust your tactics accordingly.