For first time, about 1,150 Native Americans residing at Reno-Sparks Indian Colony near Reno voted in 2018 election at polling place on their reservation.
Native Americans and Democracy articles on Democracy Chronicles
Here is our collection of articles concerned with Native Americans and Democracy. The indigenous peoples within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States, Alaska, and the island state of Hawaii are covered here. Also see our articles on Native American Voting Rights, the Indigenous and Democracy, or Minority Voting in America.
Native Hawaiians Divided on Federal Recognition
Native Hawaiians divided on federal recognition saying they won’t settle for less than complete independence and control of more than million acres of land.
Record Number of Native American Legislators in Montana Taking Action
Native American lawmakers pushing for bills covering issues from language preservation to missing persons reporting to the Medicaid expansion.
Notre Dame to Cover Up Murals of Columbus in New World
The University of Notre Dame will cover murals in a campus building that depict Christopher Columbus in America, the school’s president said.
Indigenous Peoples Stage Solidarity March on Washington
Indigenous peoples stage solidarity march on Washington seeking to bring national attention to injustices endured by Indigenous people across the globe.
Jonathan Nez Sworn in as New Navajo Nation President
Jonathan Nez sworn in as Navajo nation president restoring hope, resilience and change Tuesday, drawing from the tribe’s history as a way to move forward.
On Shutdowns, Walls and Immigration
Turn back to 1989. The world was celebrating walls tumbling down and President Bush Sr. used the metaphor of walls crumbling down in his speech before signing the Americans with Disabilities Act.
US Fails in Funding Obligation to Native Americans
U.S. federal governments fails in funding education, public safety, healthy care and other services under treaties, laws and other acts to native Americans.
Could Half of Oklahoma End Up Under Native American Jurisdiction?
Attorneys outlined “seismic” results if the ruling stands: Tribe members would be exempt from state taxes and could impose taxes on non-Native business.
VIDEO: Up-Close With a North Dakota Tribe Fighting To Vote
It is especially outrageous for Native Americans to still have to fight to prove residency despite being the only Americans whose ancestors were born and raised on this land for millenium.