There is no threat of exit without somewhere to exit to. It is, after all, what we do that matters, not what the politicians or candidates do. Consider adopting the strategic sense of Martin Luther King.
Occupy Wall Street articles on Democracy Chronicles
Occupy Wall Street sparked a world movement against inequality, corruption and undue influence of the 1% versus the 99%, particularly focused on the financial industry following the Great Recession of 2008. Also see our articles on New York City, Protests, or the Tea Party.
Time to Join the Occupy the Courts Movement
Join us for this city-wide day of action against the corrupt court/judicial system here in New York City and learn about your rights to solicit the Federal Grand Jury system if you’ve ever been wronged
GALLERY: Welcome to Wall Street, Pope Francis!
Waiting to show their support were a handful of Occupy Wall Streeters doing performance art trying to get their message out to the Pope to address the crimes of Wall Street bankers who have gone unpunished and unprosecuted
Occupy Peace in Kingston, New York With Ralph Nader
Nader held up a flier of the Friends of Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Lisette Norman, who walked all over the country more than once, slept on people’s cots who now has people all over the country supporting her. She was killed by a car that hit her on the highway.
On the Fourth Occupy Wall Street Anniversary
The Occupy Wall Street Movement isn’t dead afterall. As dusk approached at least 500 people convened at the original birthplace of Occupy Wall Street, Liberty Park, also known as Zuccotti Park.
Every Four Years: Towards a Transformative Electoral Strategy
The people are the single most important part of the electoral system, not the party elites. But, if we continue to do what we have always done, we will just get more of what we have always gotten.
Transformative Movement Culture and Inside/Outside Strategy
The search for the “right line” or debates about the “agent of history” continues to shape the inner life of radical movements and consumes tremendous energies better spent organizing.
New Protest Label From Rage Against the Machine’s Morello
World famous Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine has created a brand new protest music label
Help Build a Memorial Honoring Danny Schechter
A memorial was held yesterday at Judson Memorial Church on the birthday of Daniel Isaac “Danny” Schechter, The News Dissector, who died from pancreatic cancer and was an American television producer, independent filmmaker, blogger, media critic, activist and supporter of Occupy Wall Street.
Growing Occupy Movement Refuse College Loan Payments
Constantly escalating cost of college education has sparked growing Occupy inspired disobedience