Political comedian John Fugelsang retraces the journey of Alexis de Tocqueville to see if the optimistic Tocqueville’s American dream is alive and well
Political Artwork archive on Democracy Chronicles
These Political Artwork articles reflect the strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimensions, becoming themselves a focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change. Also see our main section on Political Art or our extensive articles on World Protest.
Unique Art Exhibition Explores Modern Live Crisis Reporting
The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in N.C. has a new installation on crisis reporting
Is the Star-Spangled Banner Racist?
Francis Scott Key’s poem ‘The Defence of Fort McHenry’ used for the Star-Spangled Banner, needs careful dissecting
Frank Underwood Would Support Trump Says Kevin Spacey
House of Cards character Frank Underwood would have strategic reasons for supporting Trump candidacy
Political Reflections On Shift From James Bond to Jason Bourne
A move from imperialist Hollywood blockbusters into corruption battles seen in evolution of James Bond to Jason Bourne
Top Ten Democracy Chronicles Flickr Memes
Here are our top ten memes ranked by the number of views they have tallied on Flickr up to this point. Flickr is our key location to show off our memes to the public.
Libertarian Outreach Bets on Internet Web Memes
Super PAC for nominee Gary Johnson is part of continued Libertarian outreach to youth voters
Turkish Satirists Targeted Amid Crackdown on Dissent
Among the widening campaign of post-coup arrests snags Turkish satirists famous for making fun of government
Towns That Ban Political Lawn Signs Spark Controversy
Question over whether political lawn signs are constitutionally protected free speech or something else
Political Cartoonists Have Field Day With Colorful Trump
The media love this Republican candidate and he has been a favorite of political cartoonists across the globe