Hollywood explores British women’s fight for vote in new Suffragette film by Sarah Gavron
Political Artwork archive on Democracy Chronicles
These Political Artwork articles reflect the strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimensions, becoming themselves a focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change. Also see our main section on Political Art or our extensive articles on World Protest.
A Gallery of Anti-Oil Street Art From Buenos Aires
Today, Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires is awash in anti-oil street art of the highest quality
Iranian Political Cartoonist Arrested in Crackdown
Widening arrest campaign against free media snags Iranian political cartoonist behind Paris image
Pros and Cons of 2015’s Top Journalism Movies
Some of the best journalism movies reflect a changing profession well, but others, not so much
The Surprising Power of Afghan Political Satire
Even national politicians must fear the widespread reach of Afghan political satire on social media
How Presidential Candidates Target African-American Votes
Ben Carson campaign releases rap song in latest example of efforts to reach African-American votes
Virtual Reality Documentary Follows Refugee Children
New York Times releases “The Displaced”, a virtual reality documentary among the first of a kind
Interview With HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine’s Founder
Presenting an interview with entrepreneur Mahmoud Mansi, a longtime Democracy Chronicles writer and the Founder of HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine based in Alexandria, Egypt.
Announcing the Results of Our Playwriting Competition
After reviewing your submissions, the Forgotten Writers Foundation from Alexandria, Egypt and Democracy Chronicles from New York would like to thank you all for working together on this international project and are proud to announce the winners
The Importance of the British Suffragette Documentary
History forever changed after the successful British Suffragette movement won the vote for women