Italian politician silenced at Russia Olympics and driven to rural area to be abandoned by police
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
Occupy Wall Street Founder Relaunches Website
As community focuses on local reforms, Occupy Wall Street founder hopes to restart national cause
Giving Part-Time Community College Faculty a Fair Deal
Part-time community college faculty face unfortunate series of barriers to stability in work
NHRebellion Finishes March Against Money in Politics
Money in politics activists celebrate month long protest movement as NHRebellion finishes march
Cambodia Police Renew Clashes With Protesters
Violently repressed workers. monks, and freedom fighters attacked by Cambodia police
Brazil World Cup Protests Building Ahead of Games
Following massive Brazil World Cup protests in 2013, activists prepare for new push ahead of games
VIDEO: Lawrence Lessig on Election Reform Movement
March in New Hampshire is focused with campaign finance expert Lawrence Lessig on election reform
VIDEO: Protest in Beijing for Democracy Leader on Trial
China dictatorship ends protests in Beijing for democracy leader facing show trial
Two-Hundred Thousand March in Ukraine
March in Ukraine follows government’s decision to withdraw from EU and new political legislation
Burkina Faso Protest Movement Seeks Democratic Change
Rampant corruption and economic mismanagement has fed Burkina Faso protest movement