Democrat Attorney General Jim Hood running for governor this year and a Jim Crow-era law means that Hood could lose even if he wins the most votes.
Racism and Prejudice articles on Democracy Chronicles
Racism is a belief that all members of each race possess abilities specific to that race, so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race. Also check out our section on World Democracy or our more general articles on History.
Henry Louis Gates Jr. in New PBS Documentary About Reconstruction-Era
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. can trace the roots of his upcoming PBS documentary about the Reconstruction to his days in school.
Florida’s Election Chief Resigns as Horrifically Racist Photo Uncovered
Florida’s secretary of state and election chief, Michael Ertel resigned Thursday after photographs were unearthed of him dressed in blackface.
Notre Dame to Cover Up Murals of Columbus in New World
The University of Notre Dame will cover murals in a campus building that depict Christopher Columbus in America, the school’s president said.
Why I Submitted Just One Signature For Ballot Access in Indiana
I was a founder of Indiana College Democrats, served as a Democratic precinct chair in Bloomington, and was a Democratic state delegate. But I will never be a Democrat in Indiana again.
Activist From Lunch Counter Protest Photo, John Hunter Gray, Dies
A community organizer shown in an iconic photograph while challenging racial segregation in Mississippi in 1960s has died at his home in Pocatello, Idaho.
Election Reform in Malaysia Still Beholden to Racial Politics
Since the election of a new party, new government has delivered a number of reforms, including abolishing the nation’s sedition law and the death penalty.
How Religion Wrecks Democracy and Our Justice System
Religion is the foundation of our legal, political and electoral system still. Would you choose to download software built with 2,000 year-old logic onto your computer or fly on a plane built according to first century aeronautics?
‘Justice’ is Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year
Racial justice. Obstruction of justice. Social justice. The Justice Department. Merriam-Webster has chosen “justice” as its 2018 word of the year.
When it Came to Racism, the Pen was Stan Lee’s Superpower
When it came to racism, the pen was Stan Lee’s superpower the master and creator behind Marvel’s biggest superheroes, died at age 95 on Monday.