A federal trial began Monday in New York City over challenges to the federal government’s decision to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
Redistricting (Gerrymandering) articles on Democracy Chronicles
Redistricting, also known pejoratively as gerrymandering, refers to manipulation of the redrawing of districts to skew results towards a preferred party or candidate. With changes in population over time as cities grow and shrink, representative democracy requires adjusting border lines between electoral areas. For national elections, the U.S. Constitution outlines the need for a ten-year population count by census for national elections. The 50 states often have their own methods of redistricting. Also see our section on American democracy.
SCOTUS Needs To Affirm North Carolina Redistricting Ruling
Common Cause v. Rucho case asks the U.S. Supreme Court to agree that North Carolina’s congressional map is an illegal partisan gerrymander.
NAACP Wins in North Carolina Racial Gerrymandering Case
The North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP obtained yet another ruling that the North Carolina legislative map violates legal requirements.
Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Halt Trial Over Census
President Donald Trump’s administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to postpone a trial set for Nov. 5 that will examine the 2020 U.S. census.
US Supreme Court Turns Away Pennsylvania Electoral Map Dispute
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rebuffed a bid by Republican legislators in Pennsylvania to reinstate a congressional district map.
Multiple States Holding Pro-Democracy Ballot Initiatives November 6
New report on more than two dozen ballot initiatives and state constitutional amendments to strengthen, and in some cases undercut, democracy.
Unique Insights on Gerrymandering From New Mathematical Model
A unique mathematical model has been developed by two economics professors that shines new light on representative politics in a refreshing way.
Interactive Map Reveals Impact Of Extreme Gerrymandering
Map allows users to see how even with a landslide in the national vote, Democrats must overcome extreme gerrymandering that has locked in a Republican advantage.
What is the Way Out of the Endless Gerrymandering Debate?
A working redistricting process attempts to redress a problem identified by the Founding Fathers: How to account for population changes over time.
The Republican Party is Brazenly Subverting American Elections
Republicans appear so desperate to hold onto power, KNOWING they lack majority support, that they are pulling out every dirty trick in the book to hinder and deny access to the polls.