Worrying Wisconsin redistricting of state political boundaries does real lasting harm to democracy
Redistricting (Gerrymandering) articles on Democracy Chronicles
Redistricting, also known pejoratively as gerrymandering, refers to manipulation of the redrawing of districts to skew results towards a preferred party or candidate. With changes in population over time as cities grow and shrink, representative democracy requires adjusting border lines between electoral areas. For national elections, the U.S. Constitution outlines the need for a ten-year population count by census for national elections. The 50 states often have their own methods of redistricting. Also see our section on American democracy.
Wisconsin Voting Wars in Full Throttle
Political parties are spending time competing to dismantle elections in Wisconsin voting wars
Are Republicans Reaping Rewards of Gerrymandering?
Gerrymandering districts is a path to collapse of democracy if nothing is done despite rewards of gerrymandering
Fair Election Pioneer Receives Social Change Prize
Open source inventor, scientist and fair election pioneer receives latest prize for voting work
National Election Standards Could Revolutionize Voting in America
A recent New York Times Editorial contained another passionate call for national election standards and ballot access reform
Senate Finally Kills Dangerous Virginia Gerrymandering Bill
Political powers have finally halted blatantly dangerous Virginia gerrymandering bill: Similar bills up for vote in other large states like Pennsylvania
Virginia Senate Passes Dangerous Gerrymandering Bill
Dangerous gerrymandering bill in Virginia expose citizens to polarized political system: Virginia makes African American district apart from white voters
Is Redistricting to Blame for Republican’s Control of House
Gerrymandering or redistricting to blame for major anti-democracy distortions in election system
Gerrymandering in California; Redistricting Changes Elections
Gerrymandering in California continues to do damage as result elections distort voter intentions
Redistricting Leaves Elections Without Proper Competition
Redistricting and gerrymandering of districts has left many elections without proper competition