Muslims are like anybody else and make wonderful contributions to the societies they live in. It is not an inherently violent religion at all. This is the actions of but a few idiots that ruin the name of Islam.
Religion and Democracy articles on Democracy Chronicles
These articles on Religion and Democracy concern the relationship with the world's many organized collections of beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews that relate humanity to the supernatural and spirituality. This section also includes our articles about how the relationship between secularism and atheism with democracy. Also check out our section on World Democracy.
Taming Iran’s Theocracy: Lessons From the Election
Rouhani back to office to continue with his snail-pace transformation of the Islamic republic
Liberals in 2017 – SMILE!
The hard right’s flank has opened. This is not empowering for them, it spells disaster as the bulk of decent Americans and all liberals turn on the Republican Party with full force.
Faith-Based POTUS Tourism
For his inaugural trip abroad our President has picked an unpredictable but thematically consistent itinerary. He’ll be stopping at the Vatican, then on to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Tight Race For Jakarta Governor After Sectarian Campaigning
The Jakarta governor, an ethnic Chinese Christian, faces a candidate supported by conservative Muslims
How Political Polarization Divides White Evangelical Churches
New evidence that disagreement over Trump actually led some evangelicals to leave their church
Polarized America: Why Politics is Taboo
On the political spectrum, more and more people are choosing to identify as conservative or liberal, and the amount of moderates to fill in that gap has been tremendously reduced year after year after year.
“Othering” and Islam in Australia
Along with being similar societies with all the good; strong rule of law, secularism, and equality, the dark forces of mistaking religion for geographic culture, Islamophobia, and “othering” continue to divide.
American Politics as a Balance of Conservative and Secular Voters
Only one group of Americans still openly rejects a secular society: White evangelical Christians
How Erdogan Exploits Religion For Personal and Political Gain
Turkish President Erdogan has carefully and systematically crafted policies framed in Islamic clothing